Book me as a speaker
I love speaking and have spoken at many events over a number of years and have been a guest on a number of podcasts.
The main topics I speak on are:
✨ Being a Woman in Engineering & ✨ Communications in Business
Being a woman in engineering
I was the first women apprentice in Philips in the UK and then the first sales engineer many engineers had ever seen! I have many tales to tell of then and now, what has changed and what we can still do better when we look to increase diversity and equality in STEM.
Content: I speak about my journey in the engineering and industrial world, from being an apprentice onward, my experiences and what I learnt. I also speak about what changed between the beginning of my journey to now and what else we can do.
Who is this subject suitable for: This talk is suitable for any audience, whether they are in the engineering or STEM fields or not, as it is ultimately about being in a minority and not just surviving but thriving.
Duration: from 20 minutes to 45 minutes ideally although other durations can be accommodated.

Communications in business
So many issues in a business can be helped by better communications; retention of staff, company culture, engagement and empowerment of employees to name a few.
By identifying possible issues and then providing solutions this talk provides tips that people can take away and implement immediately as well as some discussion of the underlying issues.
Content: The talk gives real practical advice on improving communications within a business and discusses what good communication is and why it is so vital for a business to succeed.
Who is this subject suitable for: It is suitable for businesses, networking groups, and as a basis for further work on communications in any organisation.
Duration: approx. 30 minutes

I recently spoke at the Work Health Hub (part of the University of Derby) on Communications and at Grantham Business Club and Grantham College awards evening on being a women in engineering. I have also appeared on a number of podcasts talking about my career and what I have learnt from it, and what I took into my own business – to listen to them click here and search for podcast
Harry Whinney from Gorsebush commented on LinkedIn about my talk at Grantham Business Club: Well done, Jacqui. A truly absorbing insight into your career, hurdles and accomplishments over the years. You held the room and certainly should speak more.